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All agricultural products labeled "organic" have been verified by an accredited certification agency as meeting or exceeding United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) standards , National Program For Organic Agriculture and European Organic Standards for organic production. When we began our search for a source of whey, we didn’t want to add the cost of the organic certification process without any tangible benefits. However, after digging deeper into the sources of uncertified whey suppliers, which claimed not to contain any harmful ingredients.
For consumers who want to minimize personal exposure to toxins and support humane and sustainable agricultural practices, certified organic products are the best assurance that these standards have been met.
How to read organic food label:
- 100 Percent Organic: Contain only organically produced ingredients.
- Organic: Contain at least 95 percent organic ingredients and can bear the USDA organic seal.
- Made With Organic: Contain at least 70 percent organic ingredients and can’t bear the USDA organic seal.
- Some Organic Ingredients: Contain less than 70 percent organic ingredients. These foods can’t bear the USDA organic seal. Their organic ingredients can only be listed on the ingredient panel of their food packages.

The past one hundred years have witnessed many changes in important aspects of food science and technology. The understanding of nutrition has also undergone various stages of evolution. Whereas food used to be considered as just a supply of calories and building blocks of the body, research has now shown the importance of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and a variety of metabolites for health, prevention of disease, and the proper development of the brain and behavior. The value of food has therefore evolved from being a means for basic survival to a vital element in the fields of health, education, economy, and even national and international peace and well-being. The latest scientific research has demonstrated that the methods of food production have a profound effect on the constituents and quality of food. Conventional agricultural approaches using pesticides and fertilizers have been shown to deprive soil and resultant food of some of its essential ingredients including minerals, trace elements, carbon chains of metabolites, etc. These conventional approaches also create an imbalance in the food, due to the addition of too many of certain chemicals and too little of others. Such deficiencies and imbalances are not found in organically grown food. The term ‘organic’ is usually used to describe foods that are grown in organic ways without pesticides, artificial fertilisers, various chemicals, hormones or antibiotics. This month, I wanted to quickly look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of going organic. Price: Conventional food is priced much lower in comparison to organic food. Higher production costs, seasonal trade and farmers unable to grow in such vast quantities as conventional foods, increases the cost of organic produce at the market place. Anti-oxidants: An emerging area of interest is in the anti-oxidant content of organic foods. Research suggests that organic foods may have higher levels of anti-oxidants because of the reduced use of pesticides and antibiotics. Nutrient levels: A few small studies have shown that some organic foods contain higher nutrient levels than conventional ones. But for the most part, research has found little difference between organic and conventional food nutrient levels. Connie Diekman, Director of University Nutrition at Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri believes, “More research is needed before it can be stated that organic foods provide more nutritional value.” Appearance: Organic food may not look picture perfect when compared to conventional foods, however they are not gassed or frozen to preserve them either. Hundreds of kilos of conventional fresh foods are discarded annually due to their unusual size or colour. Flavour: This depends on who is doing the eating! However, fruit and vegetables grown in season will often taste better. Environment: Organic farms are only certified ‘organic’ after three years of operating according to organic principals. Animals raised using organic methods are treated humanely and with respect, eg chickens are free range and are not kept in cages. Organic farming is also concerned with working with the environment and in harmony with existing eco-systems such as conserving water, soil and energy using renewal resources and natural farming cycles. I think there is definitely merit in buying organic, however the source will often dictate the real difference in taste, appearance and nutritional value. Whether the extra money is worth peace of mind is simply personal preference. I buy both!